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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Fight the power!

You know those eco fuckers that wear sandals and go backpacking around Europe and let their beard grow to Jesus standard, the ones that say “You know with all the problems in this world, I wouldn’t want to bring a child into such a place” (Russell Howard quote for you there). I’ve always thought, isn’t that the worst thing you could? For the majority, your life has a time limit, pretty soon in the midst of things; you would/will have achieved fuck all. So best bet is, have offspring! Teach your child the evils of the world, and not to be a corporate dick lick, nor to listen to adults, nor to buy a £80.00 pair of jeans simply because they have fucking all saints or American apparel written on the ass cheeks. Instead let your little rebel continue your work and become some kick ass Rambo style badass.

I’d probably buy my son for his 5th birthday a Airsoft or paintball gun and let the little guy let loose on the fucking window cleaner next time he just coincidently happens to clean the bathroom window whilst im having a shit for the 10th time.

Sunday 4 July 2010

Saturday 19 June 2010

Photography portfolio template

Friday 18 June 2010

Website template

PSD Template is available to buy for £1.99 via paypal. Changes can be made to design by myself upon request for an extra charge.

To buy contact

Friday 11 June 2010

Monday 24 May 2010

first ever attempt at portrait photography

I've never really ever tried to take portrait or posed photos of people, here's my first attempt. Full size and wide

Saturday 22 May 2010

recent activity

Recent activity
  • Finished two years worth of work.
  • Applied to be part of the VNB network. (vice magazine)
  • Entered a teeshirt design in a Fenchurch contest.
  • Sold the rights to a set of .jpegs for peanuts.

everything is coming along, slowly though.

Friday 30 April 2010

Magazine design / layout - end of year project final

view full size A3 dps here

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Traditional type experiments

This work was a college brief. The aim was to experiment in various different ways with type. So i started with a original piece of A4 paper with newspaper clippings of words stuck on. Then used various traditional techniques to create different backgrounds from tissue paper, flyer's, magazine pages, and paint. Then combined the original text with the backgrounds with use of a photocopier. That was the end of the brief, i then choose to develop it further but enlarging four of the images to A3 and creating a booklet as seen above out of all the images.

The movement one's would look immense blown up huge as a wall wallpaper, something i plan to do.

Monday 29 March 2010

Band / Bar / Club Logo for sale.

Note above image of logo is a small resolution and scaled down. The actual logo for sale is the same design but much better quality on a digital A4 image.

Contact me at
Type will be re-typed to whatever your choice before sale. Then all files belonging to the logo will be transferred over to you.

For sale; Buy directly from me for £25 Buy directly from me and own outright (meaning your the only person in the world that can have this logo) £55

Or by with protection via third person design website at a higher rate for $99 or $299

Description of logo
"This logo is both colourful and easy on the eye to look at. It has a unique style in comparison to any other band or club brands. It would ideally suit an rock, alt or indie band genre. However the logo can also work for any nightclub or bar very well. It stands out well and remains fresh in the mind. The best thing about this logo is that in can be used and incorporated well with any promotional designs such as flyers, posters etc. It attracts both genders but more males because of the anger/fierce connotation of the bear and it's mouth. The colourful mix of the type and bear attract a younger audience 18+ to 35's"

Contact me at for purchase or more info.

The crazy bears

First attempt at a Band logo.

Bear was hand drawn first then digitalised using illustrator.

Any ideas to make the logo better or any ideas to add anything are appreciated.

self promotion flyer design